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Round Rock Robber's Grave

2point5stars (2.50)114
Round Rock
Round Rock Cemetery
A wide angle view of Round Rock Cemetery. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Sam Bass
The actual grave of the robber Sam Bass. The new stone was placed immiately in front of the original, which had been picked away by souvenir hunters. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Deputy Sheriff Grimes
A.W. Grimes was killed by the Sam Bass gang when he confronted them in Round Rock. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
There are several crypts in the cemetery, all of them in various states of collapse such as these. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Big pile
A large number of headstones in this cemetery had been set aside and piled up in a few places. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Stone Cross
The hispanic section of the cemtery includes many stones in Spanish. Several of the stones, such as this intricately carved cross, are particularly interesting. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
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