Pedernales Falls - Falls Trail
- 3/13/2010
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Distance: 5.00 Miles
Duration: N/A
started at the swimming parking area. Down the stairs and picked up an unmarked trail following the southern side of the river. The trail weaves between the flood bank and the immediate bank of the river with frequent ups and downs as well as a few tributary stream crossings. Trammel Crossing (while marked on the map) is less obvious than you'd expect. It looks like a single rapid spanning the width of the river and you have to wade across. the 4 mile loop that it leads to is nice but a little boring. No real elevation gains once you reach the top of the hill and the scenery stays pretty much the same thoughout. If you follow the unmarked trail on the southern side of the river past Trammel Crossing I recommend headin up Mescal Creek. It's a long series of small waterfalls and cascades and is a ton of fun to climb up and around in.
Turkey Creek Trail
- 3/12/2010
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Distance: 2.50 Miles
Duration: N/A
very nice and easy. fun water crossing plus some easy climbs just off the trail. some interesting geologic outcrops as well. Lots of people with their dogs. Fun 1.5 hour hike.
Mount Bonnell
- 7/28/2009
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Distance: 0.30 Mile
Duration: N/A
hike down the trail from peak. after a while, head towards the river, down the mountain. you will eventually reach a path that runs the width of the mountain and has a nice overhang which may shelter you from the sun